Participatory games and backcasting to support collective scenario evaluation for sustainable agroforestry

The case apply participatory games and backcasting for transitioning towards sustainable landscape management with smallholder coffee based agroforestry systems in Nicaragua.

Project facts

Matagalpa/Tuma-La Dalia

By combining participatory forecasting and backcasting approaches, based on serious games and future vision development, we explore relevant agroforestry management strategies for reaching sustainable future coffee-based agroforestry landscapes. We focused our research on the challenges faced in the main coffee-producing area in Nicaragua. Here, we organized five participatory game sessions to explore farmer decision-making processes, farming strategies and to develop new networks and stimulate social learning among farmers. In the associated backcasting workshop, the most influential game session participants joined technicians, researchers and municipality officials to collectively envision sustainable future landscape management.

This approach facilitated discussion on landscape planning among farmers and other stakeholders and allowed the outline of a pathway towards the collective envisioned future landscape.

The scenarios were made in: 2017

The scenarios look out to: 2040

Submitted by:

Federico Andreotti
Project Leader
October 22, 2020

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Federico Andreotti
Participatory games and backcasting to support collective scenario evaluation for sustainable agroforestry

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Federico Andreotti
Federico Andreotti
Federico Andreotti
Federico Andreotti
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