Rough Planet Guide to Notterdam (2045)

The Rough Planet Guide is a speculative tourist guide to a decarbonised city, set in 2045 and informed by work within the EU-Horizon project REINVENT.

Project facts


This book is a tourist guide to an imagined coastal city in a decarbonised Europe circa 2045. We made it in order to communicate and explore the findings of REINVENT Decarbonisation, a Horizon2020-funded project aimed at exploring the possibilities for radically reducing the carbon footprint of basic industries such as steelmaking, plastics, meat and dairy farming, and pulp and paper production.

As you will see, we went a little further, too. The Rough Planet Guide declines to answer the question of “how do we make the decarbonisation transition happen?”, in favour of the question “how
might we live in a successfully decarbonised Europe?” Thinking through the polyphony of the latter sheds new light on the former, not least because it makes it clear that there is more than one pathway to a post-fossil Europe.

This book is not a prophecy or promise, but it is a possibility. This book is not optimistic, but it is hopeful. This book is a fiction… but it is built upon the best truths we could find.

The scenarios were made in: 2020

The scenarios look out to: 2045

Submitted by:

Paul Raven
Project Leader
January 8, 2021

How to cite this page:

Paul Raven
Rough Planet Guide to Notterdam (2045)

Project images

Sjef van Gaalen
Sjef van Gaalen
Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson
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